Consistent with this approach, the smallest unit of analysis for peer effects is the dyad, a two-person group. 5 (social rank and peer-pressure have equal weighting) and γ = 1 (peer-pressure is the sole determining factor). The rationale, origins, and practice of peer counseling, a system of training people to help each other through empathy and decision making, are detailed. The module consists of five units with three supplementary reading at the end of the Module. In general teenagers spend more time with peers. 4 Patient surveys 15 PEER PRESSURE 803 The goal is to investigate the conditions under which peer pressure is operative rather than to show that partnership or profit sharing is the solution to all agency problems. Given the nature of peer pressure, media influences, and other factors that normalize teen drug, tobacco, and alcohol use, teenagers may receive messages that imply “everyone is doing it”, but the reality in Florida is much of teen substance use has decreased significantly overtime. As with social control and social learning perspectives, social capital perspectives have been utilized to explain connections between peer networks and educational outcomes. The program is taught with 7-10 families over seven weeks, usually in the evenings. 1 Responding to Interpersonal Conflict 73 12. Biobeyond unit 3 peer pressure in nature Start studying Bio beyond: Peer Pressure in Nature.